Important stories from across rural Australia.
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Miss Mollee Designs
Miss Mollee Designs has grown out of Jenny Mapstone’s love of sewing, taught to her by her grandmothers and mother. Jenny creates rope bowls, coasters and mats as well as polymer clay products in her home at Narrabri and sells them all online.

Miss Vet
Miss Vet is a livestock veterinarian by day, and an artist by night. She, Jill Kelly, paints the finer parts of bush life: horses, pink lipstick, a well-shaped cowboy hat.

Mink & Me
Coonamble businesswoman Lucy Moss founded Mink & Me in 2015, after moving to the rural New South Wales town with her farmer husband. She now juggles the business with two small children, as well as supporting their farm business.

Perfect Pannacotta
Cookbook author and nutritionist Melanie Lionello takes Singing Magpie Produce ingredients and creates the most divine Pannacotta. Try it out this festive season.

Ultimate Rhubarb & Fruit Crumble
A Belinda Jeffrey recipe for rhubarb crumble that has a Singing Magpie Produce twist. Singing Magpie’s, Sue Heward shares her recipe here. A perfect winter warmer that is one of her Dad’s faves.

Jane Cay, Founder of birdsnest: tips for small businesses in 2024
Jane Cay is the founder of birdsnest, a wildly successful regional retail business based in Cooma, NSW. Jane was a pioneer in e-commerce in Australia and has set the pace in terms of customer service, innovation and workplace culture. She was named #1 in top 50 people in ecommerce in 2018. She shares here tips for doing business in 2024.

Nathan Bush, Host of Add To Cart: E-comm tips for bush businesses
This conversation with Nathan Bush, e-commerce strategist, coach and the host of the Add To Cart podcast is part of an expert series we have put together for rural small business owners to share actionable insights for running a retail business in 2024.

Kelly Jamieson: 3 Tips For Tough Times
We know small business is tough right now. So I've been reaching out to a few retailers and small business gurus to ask for specific and actionable insights to share with you all. Hoping this little series is useful.